Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Go 600's

What are Go 600's?  I just found out today.  You run 400 at your 5k goal pace and then GO for 200 to finish off your 600.  We did 6 of these with a 2 minute rest recovery.  I needed a water break after 4, so I took a 4 minute rest break and then ran number 5 with everyone as their last one.  I ran my 6th one by myself.

My goal was to run the first 400 at 1:45, which is a goal 5k pace of 22 minutes flat.  My actual times were between 1:28 and 1:34.  My final 600 times were between 2:07 and 2:17.

1 comment:

Andrew Opala said...

Could you list all the speed workouts you have done? You do lots of repeats with different drills and I'd like to learn more about all the different training techniques that are shown to improve speed.