Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I think I have a formula

I walked to work on the coldest day of the year so far. It sure was refreshing. I started off with a smoke. I did get a half mile walk in though.

I had a couple more cigarettes at work. Then, I walked another two and half miles after work. I walked home, got changed, walked back to work because I couldn't find my wallet. I couldn't find it at work, so I walked back home again and found it in the shorts I wore the day before.

Yeah, Florida. It goes from 80 degrees one day to the 40s in the morning.

Then, I walked to my own office. I have a day job that pays the bills and my own business that I run with my girlfriend and we have an office. Both offices are conveniently located in opposite directions and exactly half a mile from home.

After a few hours of working on my website, I head home... walking of course. So I got 3 miles in today. I felt pretty good about it.

So here's the formula... for every smoke I have, I walk a mile. I wonder how this will work out. As long as I keep the miles and smokes in the low numbers, I think it works out OK. I can see this getting me into trouble if I jack up my smokes and my mileage, though.

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