Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Run in 2 Weeks and Allergies Did Me In Again

It is 2 hours after my workout stopped and I am still blowing my nose.  The last time I ran I hurt my calf and then I got a sinus infection from pollen overload.  The pollen count is still very high today, but it hasn't been as bad on me the last few days.  The pollen has gone from a light green to brown now and I thought it was a turning point.  I am fully vested in Claritin and hopefully my nose calms down soon.  It is driving me crazy.

So the workout... we did our normal 1 mile warmup, stretching, and then 4x100 striders.  All is well.  The actual workout is 5x1000 at 5k goal race pace with 200 recovery jog.

I ran the first one in 4:05 (6:34 mile pace) and the second in 4:20 (6:58).  That's a considerable drop.  The first felt pretty good even though my legs felt like they were burning up.  I didn't think too much of since I haven't run in 2 weeks.  The definitely felt like I slowed down on the second repeat even though I was trying to maintain the same pace.  My lungs were starting to feel asthmatic, though, by the end of that one.  I walked the recovery, got a little swig of water, and started the third 1000.  My lungs kept getting more constricted as I went and I stopped after 1 lap.  That was it.  I walked it off and got some cover under a tree.

Within 5 minutes, my nose was running like crazy and my eyes were itchy.  Done.  I popped one Claritin right away.  I biked home and ate some veggie lasagna and popped another Claritin.  Hopefully this goes away within the next hour, so I can sleep tonight.


Caroline said...

Ah allergy season. It sucks. Ask your dr for nasal spray it works better. the Rx kind not OTC
I take clarinex 12 hrs also Rx and works better then claritin.

Katie said...

Ughhh my allergies have been KILLING me. It's such a catch 22, I love the warmer weather, but I feel miserable :(

Doug said...

I think my problem is that I figured I wouldn't need anything. I sometimes take 1 or 2 x Claritin-D 24 hour pills. That usually works for me. I can't wait till the Oak trees stop pollenating around here.

The Green Girl said...

Ah, allergies. The story of my life.


Nej said...

My allergist told me that running during this season would be better if I didn't run in the mornings before work, because that's the worst time of day for pollen.

I just smiled and didn't mention that it's the ONLY time I run. :-)

I'm doomed to needing a pocket full of kleenex. :-)