Sunday, March 2, 2008

Keeping Good Pace (blister)

I ran twice since last log in. I surprisingly had a great workout on the treadmill on Thursday afternoon. It was cold for Orlando when I went outside. It was low 50s. I decided I'd rather use the gym.

I usually set the thing on manual and see what happens. What's this 5k Loop button about? I tried it. Started around 12 minute pace. Slowly worked up to 9 minute pace by 1 mile. Did the entire 2nd mile at 8 minute pace and by the end of the 5k, I was running around 6 minute pace. Held that speed for the last half mile. Both of my hamstrings were sore, especially my right side. I completed the 5k in just under 25 minutes.

I went over to one of the mats and stretched my lower back, quads, groin, and paid special attention to my hamstrings.

I could have given up there, but decided I needed to do a cooldown run. That started out to be 10 minute pace on the 5k. That led to 7:30 pace on the 2nd mile and then 7 minute pace to clean up the 5k just in around 25:30.

I felt like I got a blister on the bottom of my right foot, but lo and behold, there was a good one on my left foot. It was of the bloody variety. Here it is on Sunday after it has drained a little.

(left foot)

On Saturday, I went out for a few laps around Lake Eola. The weather was perfect. Sunny afternoon without a cloud in the sky. The Oak were pollinating a little, so that wasn't so good afterward, but it was nice. I did 4 miles even in 37 minutes. Didn't try pushing myself since my hamstrings were still sore from the 6 mile run on Thursday.

Here a couple more smaller "normal" size blisters...

(left foot)

(right foot)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I used to get horrible blisters, but I got a great pair of socks (they were $15.00, but worth it!) I also went to a running store and got a good pair of running shoes. You probably already know this, but if not the help to amazing. I would never go back to a regular store to get shoes. Those guys really know what they're looking for when the study your running and feet. I got a pair of Brooks shoes and I LOVE them.